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Showing posts from June, 2018

Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

Being a leader is tough. Really tough. And it's easy to think you're doing it right, but even easier to screw it up and not know until it's too late - or even worse, convince yourself if an employee doesn't work out that it was just a bad hire. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, mostly because I'm leading a small multi-disciplined team and want to make sure they feel supported. I've become more in-tune with the way my actions can either enable or prohibit my team from really achieving their career goals. I'll admit, I'm really hard on myself and do a lot of reflecting at the end of each day, but still second guess myself and wonder if I need to be more self aware. In many ways this has helped me become more aware of my mistakes and pushes me to solicit feedback from my team more often. It's not uncommon for me to reflect and ask about a particular comment I made, or ask how I can improve next time, and apologize if I think something I